Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Crucible By Arthur Miller - 1108 Words
Asmar Kalif Hour: 5 English Paper Crucible Rough Draft In the novel The Crucible by Arthur Miller, the story was based on McCarthyism. This book is based on a real story and real people. John Proctor tore up his confession and goes to his death because he can’t lie about himself and ruin his reputations. He also doesn’t want people to think he is a bad person by confessing a lie just to save his life. John Proctor knew that if he confessed he would make himself look guilty and his friends who didn’t do anything would look guilty. â€Å"I speak my own sins, I cannot judge another I have no tongue for it†(Act IV,#148). â€Å"They think to go like saints, I like not to spoil their name†(Act IV,#148).â€Å"Then who will judge me? God†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å" Because it is my name, because I cannot have another in my life ! Because I lie and signed myself to lies,(Act IV,#150). â€Å"You will not use me! I am no Sarah good or Tituba, I am john proctor! You will not u se me! It is not a part of salvation that you should use me,†(Act IV,#149). â€Å"Damn the village! I confess to god, and god has seen! It is enough,†(Act III,149) John proctor wanted to keep his pride and still confess to being a witch. . John proctor is trying to tell us that there is no need for everyone in salem to know about his confession as long as god seen him write it and and the court has seen him write it. John proctor also says â€Å"god does not need my name nailed upon the church! god sees my name; god know how black my sins are†(Act IV,#149). John proctor wants to be guilty but he doesn’t want everybody to know â€Å"then it is proved. Why must I say it,†(Act IV,#149). John proctor would rather die than to make everybody who died look guilty. John proctor said, â€Å"why must it be written,†(Act III,143). He is trying to be guilty but doesn’t want everybody to know. If people knew that he confessed not only would he make himself look bad but he would also make his friends look bad because he is confessing lies about them and ruin both theirs and his reputation. Before John confessed he said to his wife â€Å"I have been thinking I would confess to them†(Act III,#143). He
Monday, May 18, 2020
Analysis of the Queens Majestys Passage Free Essay Example, 2250 words
The images, symbols and the poems and pageants written and dedicated on the coronation ceremony makes the point obvious that somewhere a series of discontent and mistrust was prevailing amidst the subjects and the peasants of England were really sceptic about Queen s potential and capability to reign such a vast empire (McCoy, The Wonderfull Spectacle ).The subtleties of the document become more obvious in the Lord Mayor s show. Lord Mayor s show in its simplest form encompassed procession throughout the city of London every 29th October on the occasion of Mayor s oath-taking ceremony. These can be viewed as the beginning of the complexity in the dramatic action and the great expenditure incurred by the civic pageantry of England in the 16th century (Bergeron, The Elizabethan Lord Mayor s Show ). The reaction to the coronation was directly felt by these performances and the images and words used in these performances directly hinted at the disgrace and doubt in the mind of the sub jects during the Stuart period. The Queen s Majesty s Passage itself indicated few events which launch the text into a really far away from the nationalistic canon. We will write a custom essay sample on Analysis of the Queens Majestys Passage or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page During the coronation and reign of Elizabeth I too, the clergy did not lack behind. Regardless of any doubt, clergy performed a crucial role in making of the Queen and it began since the very initial period.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Macbeth vs Holden - 1435 Words
Shakespeare wrote the play Macbeth using Macbeth as a protagonist in this old English play. Holden Caulfield is also the main character in â€Å"the catcher in the rye†written by J.D Salinger. This essay will elaborate on the similarities of the characters and the difference in their individual societies. What external forces are used? Are they honest, do they lie? What kind of influence are women? I will illustrate the strategies used between the characters and different qualities they obtain. Holden is a self-cautious boy, always judgmental of those around him. Females are of much confusion to him. Often he is unsure of how to properly treat them and seems to think too far into things, such as over using the word â€Å"phony†to describe†¦show more content†¦Just to stop lying. Once I get started, I can go on for hours if I feel like it. No kidding. Hours.†), rebellion kicking from school to school is in reality searching for his place in the world contrasting with Macbeth who is searching for his thrown, but is it at the castle? Love also becomes an important aspect, each thrive for passion and affection from others and have someone they confide in. Holden places deep care into his younger sister Phoebe because they connect on many levels, both as childlike mind and in interest. He also longs for closure towards his deceased brother Allie. Holden worries about his parents thoughts, he respects them. He is concerned about his mother’s reaction to getting kicked out of yet another school. The only two people he feels he has truly connected with are his sister and Allie, often in times of need they are the first he contacts. Throughout his cycle of depression he talks aloud to Allie. (Quote: Holden: â€Å"I felt so depressed, you cant even imagine. What I did, I started talking, sort of out loud to Allie. I do that sometimes when I get very depressed.†) He shows he cares about Phoebe by constantly wanting to call and chat with her; he often talks about her. On the contrary he contradicts himself b y finding an excuse to not call, or to not visit. By isolating himself he also goes against himself because heShow MoreRelatedMedia Magic Making Class Invisible2198 Words  | 9 PagesTragedy Of Holden Caulfield Is That He Cannot Accept The Adu (13 June) The Scholarship Jacket--Setting, Characterization, Conflict (13 June) Agamemnon (13 June) Chatting To A Distraction (13 June) Act 1 (13 June) Maestro (13 June) The Nature Of The Beast (13 June) Whitelynx (13 June) A Defense For Emily (13 June) To Kill A Mockingbird: Who Are The People That Scout Comes To Un (13 June) Beowulf (13 June) Dead Poets Society Essay (13 June) Disney (13 June) Macbeth (12 June)
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Why I Have Early Childhood Education - 1509 Words
â€Å"Because young children look up to adults and learn through example, it is especially important that you serve as a good role model in this profession. ‘Remember how important your job is,’ June Gannon says. ‘Everything you say and do will affect these children’†(â€Å"Preschool†). This is one point alone, stated from June Gannon, a highly regarded professional in the field of early childhood education, that shows how strongly preschool teachers impact a young child and his/her entire life. It is common for preschool teachers to be looked upon as less impactful than a grade school teacher. Preschool teachers’ income is also very much lower than a grade-school teacher’s. However, there are many people that think otherwise. I believe that the†¦show more content†¦Many schools require preschool teachers to have a Bachelor’s degree, depending on the state and area. Subjects that would be required for this degree range from Liberal Arts, English, History, Science, Nutrition, Child Development, Psychology of the Young Child, and Sociology. Certifications and/or licensing are required in certain states or areas (â€Å"Preschool†). I believe that all of these recommended courses are of great benefit to a person who aspires to be a preschool teacher. I think that it is just as important to have the background in the studies that will be taught as it is to have the background in creative skills. Young children need an equal mix of both skills to develop and progress as they should. I am a strong advocate for required certifications/licensing. I trust that parents of young children want the absolute best for them. Most parents seek to enroll their children in a licensed school with certified and highly experienced teachers. Preschools that are licensed and employ certified teachers exemplify a high standard of care. This provides parents with a level of confidence when enrolling their child ren in these settings. In addition, preschool teachers should possess certain qualities. Personal qualities needed to be a successful preschool teacher include having an incredible amount of patience, creativity, enthusiasm,
Franchise Support Free Essays
string(26) " directors and many more\." UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA SABAH BG33303 PENGURUSAN PEMASARAN FRANCAIS Chapter 20 Summary NAME| MATRIX NUMBER| Safrina bte Ahmad Shah| BB10110567| Julianne Wing| BB10110274| Mohammad Harith b. Elias| BB10110334| Norhanim bte Hj. Yasin| BB10110442| Norhafizah bte Kasman| BB10160784| Ching Siok Chun| BB10110093| Franchise Support Constructive support of franchise is important for effective operation and overall success of the franchise system. We will write a custom essay sample on Franchise Support or any similar topic only for you Order Now Franchise support of franchises is important because it will develop and maintain sufficient and improve communication skills between the franchisee and franchisor. The franchise support service will ensure profitability, self-employment, striving to be successful, opportunity for growth, and a success or failure story. Opportunity to earn profit is the major driving force for people to start a franchise business. Franchise service support act as an intermediaries in between the franchisor and franchisee in providing training, suggestions to maintain strong sales and improve profit margin to the franchise business. Regarding the self-employment matter, this franchise support service provides methods, programs, and suggestions for improving and assists in solving problem. In order to become successful in the franchise business, the franchise support staff should offer praise, encouragement, and instruction to the franchisee because working in the positive environment will ensure success to the franchised business. Franchise support services help franchise business to grow by introducing new product and services, marketing techniques, and carefully planned promotional campaign will help franchisees to keep a positive outlook on the business and continue to look for alternative to expand business and increase profit margin. The success or failure story of the franchise business is determined by the management team on how they manage their business properly. Getting the right employees with good discipline, giving good hospitality services, working environment is comfort and relaxing, and others show that the franchise supports service assists them in order to maintain the high standard of the franchise system and vice versa. COMMUNICATION As we know, communication is very important factor in daily business activities. Communication involves individual or group in particular businesses. In franchising, a good communication process is very important for the franchisor and the franchisee. Information system that been used by franchise system should be clearly and easy to link with other function and decision making as well. The more effective the communication, the more effective the supervision. There are several communication tools that are typically been used to deliver the information First is telephone. It is highly effective mode of communication, because it is more faster and get 2 way communication. Telephone contacts are important to keep the franchisee informed about the plan and activities for parent company, to evaluate franchise performance of record and also to let the franchisee know what assistance to expect from the franchisor. Phone contact can be set up in many ways, such as through planned telephone calls. These actually to develop interrelationship between franchisor and franchisee in order to retain the support between them. Usually planned calls are to discuss the sales level, product and service support, promotional plans and also to raise any questions given by the franchisee. Second are spontaneous telephone calls. It is actually to boost the morale and feelings of interdependence of the franchisee and the franchisor These kind of calls actually can help the franchisor to understand the immediate concerns of the franchise, get a feel for the franchisee’s general attitude over time and determine if there is nything the parent company could or should be doing over and above the regular services its providing. While the third one is conference calls. These calls being conducted by contacting several franchisees at the same time. Letter or earlier phone contact should be prearranged to ensure the attendance of franchisees within a district area or region. These calls usually to inform the franchisee about the current plan of franchisor such as promotional activities, new product and services, and new contest or customer relation project. Another communication method is internet websites. It helps people to get connected with other people around the world. Same goes to franchise, all business activities can be conducted through internet such as processing orders from suppliers and channel members and do promotion. For franchise, it can expand internet into intranet where it allows the franchisees to access their information system by using secret password. By this way, franchisees can read the report and also any updated issues or activities provided by the franchisor. Chat room is available for them to do the conversation and discussion about certain issues. Moreover, franchisor and franchisee also can work together through extranet, where they can make their order after review the supplier’s products. Next is email. Email is more convenient to use in order to send any documents or messages to other functional members, suppliers, staffs, different companies, family member and also between franchisor and franchisee. This is because, email can save their costs and required less time compared to other communication methods. Through email, the messages can deliver faster to the other parties and also get their feedback. Moving on to the next communication tool is mail contacts. Mail contacts are mails that are in forms of newsletters and activity reports that are distributed for the purpose of providing instructions, supplying advertising, promoting materials and discussing any legal matters that arises. In other words, mail contacts communication are follow-up information that are resulted from conference calls, issues or questions raised by franchisee, spontaneous calls or suggestions for advertising promotions. These letters are sent by sales manager or the president of the franchise system all for the purpose of assuring a continuing support and service from the main office. Last but not least are visits. Visits are one of the communication tools that come in the form of personal, support-service and training visits. Personal visits are very important to a franchisee when it is especially done by a representative of the main franchise home office such as the president, vice president, franchising directors and many more. You read "Franchise Support" in category "Essay examples" Personal visits can be known as an excellent public relations tool which is effective for solving and addressing problems that may arise from the company. Whereas for support-service visits, the purpose of these visits are for helping and aiding the franchisee in order to resolve the problems in its operations by providing hints in dealing with the rapid change in competitive conditions. As for training visits, it is where visits are made by home office staffs that are involved in the preopening and grand opening training of respective franchises solely for the purpose of the value of royalty fees being returned to the business. FRANCHISEE TRAINING To developing a training operation involves three major actions by a franchisor: designing and implementing a training unit or function, establishing a training location, and developing the training program, including the philosophy, learning and skills to be achieved and the methods to be used in providing the training. Usually a person who was in charge of training program has experience in each major function. There are two critical requirements that must be met by anyone put in charge of a franchisee training program: The person must have knowledgeable about effective training process and must have both depth and breadth of understanding of the operational needs and characteristics that will ensure success in the particular franchised business that necessary because need to be able to incorporate into training program (1) production/operations methods of the franchised business, (2) accounting, marketing and personnel practices and (3) effective methods of developing and maintaining constructive franchisor-franchisee relationship. Training function was important to continuity and growth of the franchisee system, the head of training is part of the upper management of the organization. The center is the original location of the franchisor that can locate almost everywhere or can locate regionally. Example insurance company that provided located for training program in their regional in headquarters. It’s because to enhance their control of the training process and ensure continuity of subject matters to be presented. Training program usually will take at least five days long and may last for up to two months and vary considerably from one franchise system also provided that vary in length, complexity, and subject matter. This training will teach the franchisees and other employees the skills necessary for them to more successful in this business. The objective for training is the skills to be learned, and the training methods to be utilized are carefully put together. From the book or manuals the franchisees can learn the business rather than be taught. Franchisor also provided lectures, group discussions, situational problem analysis, and an independent, hands-on performance under the guidance of experienced trainers was the best business. Other than that the focus in this program is self-application through actual performance of operational required within the franchised system, whether the training takes place in a training center or on the job at the franchisees own franchised business. Three major component of franchisee training:- ) Preopening Training ( Formal ) Preopening training was a first general franchisee training that we will explain. Usually preopening was the most intensive training period. Most franchised require one week or 300 hours of opening training. For preopening the training will consists in classroom that include planning the franchised business, hiring, purchasing, merchandising, advertising, business management, cash and inventory control, and production/operational methods. Franchisees have the opportunity to meet three and twelve or limited number of franchisees to discuss their expectations, desires, strengths, and worries with other franchisees as the individually and collectively anticipate running their own operations. After meet for the training franchisees will feel the advice was very helpful in developing loyalty to the franchise system, creating individual within the franchise organization, and learning or improving skills of operations for the franchise. Manual for the operations usually include finance, operations, marketing, management, and service/production. Will include audio or videotapes, that can descriptions of all franchise operations and usually include operating procedures suggested or required by the franchisor. A manual was an important thing to both franchisor and franchisees because franchisor not only offers a training approach, but also affords protections incase any dispute or questions arises regarding appropriateness of methods used in training franchisees. But for franchisees, the information they need to know on order to function effectively within the business environment of the franchisor was in the manuals. Lastly, references was already provides to refresh the memory or to solve some problem that arises during a workday. 2) Grand Opening Training ( On-site ) For the grand opening of a franchised business, most franchisor sent either the training manager or a member of the training unit to work with the new franchisee. Grand opening training consists of one to two weeks of in-depth work experience in which the trainer assists the franchisee with grand opening of business. They are trains the staff in operating procedures associated with service/production, finance, marketing, and operation. The franchisor representative often stays with the franchisee until the newly opened unit is running smoothly, which may take from several days to several weeks. The length of time can vary considerably as a result of the normal difficulties of any grand opening or because of unexpected problems or complexities. For the service-oriented businesses, franchisors provided between two and seven weeks from the time the training begins to the actual grand opening business. This period includes one to three weeks of intensive training at headquarters as well as one to three weeks on on-site training to prepare for forthcoming grand opening. At the time of grand opening, the franchisor representative stays with the new franchisee for the first full week of operation. In this way help both parties, franchisor and franchisee in builds a good business relationship, as the evidence of franchisor commitment and as a return, hopefully earning loyalty, enthusiasm, and team spirit from the franchisee. ) Continuing Training Program ( Postopening ) Some franchisors provide training at quarterly, semiannual or annual meetings between the franchisor and franchisees. Others hold seminars on specific topics of current interest to franchisees as the need arises. Most of the national or international franchise systems provide a regular schedule of training at their headquarters or at the site of the franchisee requesting the training. The training is given during the regular weekly or monthly visit by the field representative to the franchise site and addresses such areas as quality control, financial or accounting methods, advertising or marketing developments, or new methods, equipment, or products and services being introduced by franchisor. There are some franchisors are provided specialized training and advice to some franchisees. In example, a franchisee who has a territory that appears ripe for expansion may receive training in location analysis, market analysis, lease negotiation and construction services. There are many franchising firms provide ongoing training to their franchisees and the employees of the franchisees. Ongoing training varies widely from franchisor to franchisor and from industry to industry. Regional and national meetings for franchisees are often loaded with training opportunities such as marketing updates, industry trends, new product and service developments, franchisor policy and procedure changes, or informal exchanges of ideas among franchisees themselves or between franchisors and franchisees. The most important role in the delivery of continued training is field representative. They often work directly with the franchisee at the business site, providing expert counsel, giving on-the-spot management and operational suggestions, providing instructional video or audio materials for the franchisee and employees and serving as a channel for sharing new ideas that a developing across the franchise system. Ongoing training is the primary method for most franchisors to initiate new products or services into the franchise system and also as the ideal vehicle for transferring the knowledge and skills required to keep the franchise system be more efficient. How to cite Franchise Support, Essay examples
Individual Case Study Halides Ltd
Questions: Issue 1: When finalising the financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2014 two significant errors were made and there is debate as to whether we should simply adjust the financial statements in the current year or change last years financial statements as well. The IT system of the company was installed 3 years ago at a cost of approximately $3.5 million and was estimated to last 10 years. However the latest technology advancements indicate that this was a very optimistic estimate and that the maximum life span of this equipment will probably be not more than 6 years in total with little or no residual value. It was also discovered in August 2014 that a machine worth $2.2 million purchased in January 2014 was erroneously written off to repairs and maintenance instead of being capitalised. Deberella the marketing director thinks we should just adjust this years figures to account for these problems but Peter indicated that it was slightly more complicated than that. Could you please giv e us some advice on this? Issue 2: A number of employees who work on our strategic management team have been with us for a number of years - at least 12 of them have been with us since the company commenced operations in 2006. In accordance with the Employee Bargaining Agreement (EBA) all employees are entitled to long service leave of 13 weeks if they remain in service for 10 years. They are also entitled to pro rata long service leave after 6 years of service. Our usual practice is to show the long service leave expense in the income statement when the employee actually takes leave and is paid. Of course we maintain a memorandum record of the number of days each employee is entitled to. Peter has indicated to us that he thinks we should consider treating this expense in a different manner, which seems complicated. The directors are wondering why we should complicate a very simple way of calculating long service leave why not stick with recognising the expense when we pay for it? What do you think we should do and w hy? Issue 3: Peter, the new financial controller, has also informed the board that the company will need to present a statement of cash flows with the financial statements in addition to those statements already being presented, which really attracted a lot of attention. Some of the directors thought it was a waste of time to present this statement as it was merely a summarised cash book. Others were of the opinion that it could be useful but didnt quite know how they would use it. The structure of the statement of cash flows also came into question with one of the directors suggesting that we merely needed to get a printout of the cash account and attach it. Another said that we couldnt just do that as we needed to show operating, instigating and financing cash flows in the statement. Could you please clarify this matter for us? Answers: Issue 1 AASB 108 Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors Changes in Accounting Estimates Various items in the financial statements may not be measured with the precision but only can be estimated, because of the uncertainties in the activities of business. This estimation includes the judgements based on the available information. Say for example, the estimates may be needed for:(a) Bad debts;(b) Obsolescence of Inventory;(c) Fair value of the financial assets or liabilities;(d) The useful lives of, or the expected pattern of the consumption of the future economic benefits in the depreciable assets; (e) The obligations of warranty.The usage of reasonable estimates is a relevant part for the financial statements preparations. This estimate may require the revision if the changes may arise in the situations in which the estimates were based or as a result of the new data. As per its nature, the revision in an estimate may not relate to the previous periods and is also not a correction of any error.The effects of a changes in the accounting estimate, other than a change to which paragraph applies, would be prospectively recognised by including the same in the profit or loss in:(a) The period of such change, if such change affects that period only; or(b) The period of such change and the future periods, if such change affects both.Advice: Hence, in the given case it is clearly a change in accounting estimates and thus the effect of Depreciation (whether surplus or deficit) shall be charged to Profit Loss Account of current year and the figures shall be adjusted as such. Errors and Omissions The Material prior period errors shall be retrospectively corrected in the first financial report after their discovery by: Restating the comparative amount of the previous periods that are to be presented in which the error has been caused; or Restating the opening balances of liabilities, assets and the equity for the earlier previous years presented, if the error has been caused before the earlier previous periods presented.Thus, a material prior period error must be corrected by retrospective restatement except to the extent it is impracticable for determining either the cumulative effect of the error or period-specific effects. If it is impracticable to determine the cumulative effect of the error at the beginning of the current period, then the error is corrected prospectively from the earliest date that is practicable.As per this Accounting Standard, certain Disclosures are also required in the financial statements .Advice: Hence, in the given case the machine worth $2.2 milli on which was erroneously charged to repairs and maintenance in the prior period shall be rectified in the current period and shall be capitalized thereof. Issue 2 AASB 1028 Employee Benefits Long Service Leave While the differences arise between the various Awards, Acts and the Workplace Agreements that specifies the entitlements of the long service leave in Australia, the following categories of entitlement are common:(a) A legal unconditional entitlement to which the payment arises after a certain period of service (usually 10 or 15 years). The Accumulation of the long service leave entitlement shall continue after this point, up till the leave is actually taken. (b) In various situations (for e.g. death, early retirement, or retrenchment), a legal entitlement to the pro rata payment in place of long leave may arise. At any point in time, an employer could have employees in more than one of the above categories.Whilst most of the employers provide the long service leave benefits to its employees, some employers may participate in same. The employer has an obligation to make the future outflows due to the long service leave arrangements. Accordingly, an employers obligations to the indust ry-based long leave service schemes shall be recognised as liability of the employer.Various industry-based schemes of long service leave operate such that the employers meet their obligations for long service leave to the employees, and receive the reimbursement subsequently from the scheme. In such cases, consistent with the needs of the paragraphs 4.3 and 4.13, the employers shall recognise the liabilities separately for the amount of payments which are expected to be made to the employees.Advice: Thus, in the given case the contention of Peter is correct to treat the expense differently, since it is the requirement of AASB 1028 by treating it as liability or separate liability depending upon the scheme of long service and then charging the same to revenue as discussed above. Issue 3 AASB 101 Presentations of Financial Statements Complete Set of Financial Statements shall comprise of the following statements: (a) A statement of financial position as at the end of the period;(b) A statement of profit or loss for the period;(c) A statement of changes in equity for the period;(d) A statement of cash flows for the period ;(e) Notes, comprising a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information; AASB 107 Cash Flow Statements This Standard applies to : (a) Every entity which is required to prepare the financial reports as per the Part 2M.3 of the Corporations Act;(b) The general purpose financial reports of every reporting entity; and(c) The financial reports that are held to be general purpose financial reports. Benefits of Cash Flow Information The statement of cash flow provides the information that enables the users in order to evaluate the changes in the net assets of entity, its financial positions (including the solvency and liquidity) and the entitys ability to affect the timing and amount of cash flows to adapt to the changing situations and opportunities. Cash flow information is helpful for the assessment of the ability of the entity for generating the cash and cash equivalents and it enables the users to develop the model for assessing and comparing the present value of future cash flows of various entities. Cash Transactions can be bifurcated into 3 activities and are to be shown in Cash Flow Statement , , The historical information of cash flow is also used as the indicator of the timing, amount and the certainty of the future cash flows. It is also helpful in measuring the accuracy of the past assessments of the future cash flows and also examining the bonding between the net cash flow and profitability and the effect of changing prices.Advice: Hence, in the given case considering the requirements of AASB 101 and AASB 107, and also the benefits of preparing the cash flow statement as discussed above, it is advisable to prepare the cash flow statements depicting the cash transactions occurred during the year. References AASB, 2011, Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors reviewed on 21 January 2015, Chartered Accountants, 2013, Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors reviewed on 21 January 2015, AASB, 2001, Employee Benefits reviewed on 21 January 2015, AASB, 2011, Presentation of Financial Statements reviewed on 21 January 2015, AASB, 2007, Cash Flow Statements reviewed on 21 January 2015,
Sunday, May 3, 2020
How to Read Literature Like a Professor Chapter Summiries 1-9 free essay sample
1. Every Trip is a Quest (except when it’s not): a. A quester b. A place to go c. A stated reason to go there d. Challenges and trials e. The real reason to goâ€â€always self-knowledge 2. Nice to Eat With You: Acts of Communion a. Whenever people eat or drink together, it’s communion b. Not usually religious c. An act of sharing and peace d. A failed meal carries negative connotations 3. Nice to Eat You: Acts of Vampires a. Literal Vampirism: Nasty old man, attractive but evil, violates a young woman, leaves his mark, takes her innocence b. Sexual implicationsâ€â€a trait of 19th century literature to address sex indirectly c. Symbolic Vampirism: selfishness, exploitation, refusal to respect the autonomy of other people, using people to get what we want, placing our desires, particularly ugly ones, above the needs of another. 4. If It’s Square, It’s a Sonnet 5. We will write a custom essay sample on How to Read Literature Like a Professor Chapter Summiries 1-9 or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Now, Where Have I Seen Her Before? a. There is no such thing as a wholly original work of literatureâ€â€stories grow out of other stories, poems out of other poems. b. There is only one storyâ€â€of humanity and human nature, endlessly repeated c. Intertexuality†â€â€recognizing the connections between one story and another deepens our appreciation and experience, brings multiple layers of meaning to the text, which we may not be conscious of. The more consciously aware we are, the more alive the text becomes to us. d. If you don’t recognize the correspondences, it’s ok. If a story is no good, being based on Hamlet won’t save it. 6. When in Doubt, It’s from Shakespeare†¦ a. Writers use what is common in a culture as a kind of shorthand. Shakespeare is pervasive, so he is frequently echoed. . See plays as a pattern, either in plot or theme or both. Examples: i. Hamlet: heroic character, revenge, indecision, melancholy nature ii. Henry IVâ€â€a young man who must grow up to become king, take on his responsibilities iii. Othelloâ€â€jealousy iv. Merchant of Veniceâ€â€justice vs. mercy v. King Learâ€â€aging parent, greedy children, a wise fool 7. †¦Or the Bible a. Before the mid 20th century, writers could count on people being very familiar with Biblical stories, a common touchstone a writer can tap b. Common Biblical stories with symbolic implications i. Garden of Eden: women tempting men and causing their fall, the apple as symbolic of an object of temptation, a serpent who tempts men to do evil, and a fall from innocence ii. David and Goliathâ€â€overcoming overwhelming odds iii. Jonah and the Whaleâ€â€refusing to face a task and being â€Å"eaten†or overwhelmed by it anyway. iv. Job: facing disasters not of the character’s making and not the character’s fault, suffers as a result, but remains steadfast v. The Flood: rain as a form of destruction; rainbow as a promise of restoration vi. Christ figures (a later chapter): in 20th century, often used ironically vii. The Apocalypseâ€â€Four Horseman of the Apocalypse usher in the end of the world. viii. Biblical names often draw a connection between literary character and Biblical charcter. 8. Hanseldee and Greteldumusing fairy tales and kid lit a. Hansel and Gretel: lost children trying to find their way home b. Peter Pan: refusing to grow up, lost boys, a girl-nurturer/ c. Little Red Riding Hood: See Vampires d. Alice in Wonderland, The Wizard of Oz: entering a world that doesn’t work rationally or operates under different rules, the Red Queen, the White Rabbit, the Cheshire Cat, the Wicked Witch of the West, the Wizard, who is a fraud e. Cinderella: orphaned girl abused by adopted family saved through supernatural intervention and by marrying a prince f. Snow White: Evil woman who brings death to an innocentâ€â€again, saved by heroic/princely character g. Sleeping Beauty: a girl becoming a woman, symbolically, the needle, blood=womanhood, the long sleep an avoidance of growing up and becoming a married woman, saved by, guess who, a prince who fights evil on her behalf. h. Evil Stepmothers, Queens, Rumpelstilskin i. Prince Charming heroes who rescue women. (20th c. frequently switchedâ€â€the women save the menâ€â€or used highly ironically) 9. It’s Greek to Me a. Myth is a body of story that mattersâ€â€the patterns present in mythology run deeply in the human psyche b. Why writers echo mythâ€â€because there’s only one story (see #4) c. Odyssey and Iliad i. Men in an epic struggle over a woman ii. Achillesâ€â€a small weakness in a strong man; the need to maintain one’s dignity iii. Penelope (Odysseus’s wife)â€â€the determination to remain faithful and to have faith iv. Hector: The need to protect one’s family d. The Underworldâ€â€an ultimate challenge, facing the darkest parts of human nature or dealing with death e. Metamorphoses by Ovidâ€â€transformation (Kafka) f. Oedipus: family triangles, being blinded, dysfunctional family g. Cassandra: refusing to hear the truth h. A wronged woman gone violent in her grief and madnes
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