Thursday, October 31, 2019
Chicago Bulls Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Chicago Bulls - Case Study Example The law on privacy of medical information requires extreme confidentiality of individual medical information. Individual sensitive medical information should remain with the involved party and confidential. The employment act requires employers to bargain in good faith over any terms that address a mandatory subject such as working conditions. An employer requiring an employee to undergo a DNA test is likely to use the test results as a basis for employment discrimination. As much as the employer is concerned about the wellness of the employee, it is not ethical for him or her to insist on a DNA test for an unwilling employee since it is infringement of his or her privacy. Unless such a requirement was included in the collective bargaining and agreed upon by all parties, it is not ethical. An employer may request an employee to undergo a DNA test if the employee is operating dangerous machinery or piloting a plane due to his concern to identify any genetic illness that may pose the employee and other people in danger. Such request should be made in reasonable grounds since its invasion of individual privacy. The employee’s actions may be unethical to the extent that he does not respect the employee’s privacy and employment law that is against discrimination on genetic basis. Unless there is collective bargaining among all involved parties and consent is given, it is unfair to the employee, but also a good ground to show employer’s concern on employee’s safety in the work place but not the most
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Reliability and Employee Performance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Reliability and Employee Performance - Essay Example Performance management is a whole work system that begins when a job is defined as needed and expectations are clearly communicated to the employee. It ends when an employee leaves your organization." process that allows for the matching of staff and positions, and standards, outcomes, and measures of performance. The role of HRM also includes providing training and/or continuing education, mentoring/coaching and feedback, rewards and appraisals, opportunities for advancement, and procedures for exit interviews to minimize turnover. HRM should promote reliability. Many studies find that a behavioral approach, which takes advantage of individuals' specific talents and incorporates them into meeting appropriate organizational goals, can be employed in developing a reliability organization. This type of approach to human resources management focuses on the specific problems/issues and provides for open mindedness. HRM must determine how each staff member can contribute specifically to the goals of the organization and then develop strategies that will generate quality performance and results. With the behavioral approach, HRM is required to focus on employees' actual work habits and not on qualifications and skills.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Child Learning Styles and Factors that Influence Them
Child Learning Styles and Factors that Influence Them In a nursery setting there are different types of learning styles: Now I will discuss the learning styles: Reference 1 Visual learning is a very good learning style and helps key workers understand every child’s learning method. This learning style is for children who get distracted by sound and talking easily, children often find it difficult to concentrate when there is a crowd around them. These types of children enjoy art and drawing and learn more from diagrams, they love to learn from a picture which gives children knowledge of the world. When I discuss more on Auditory learning style, I learn that this is more about thinking and listening. Children like to learn from listening to nursery rhyme tapes and tapes which helps them to think just as sounds. I found out children who are in the auditory category this helps children be more clever. Children like to listen to staff members reading to them and they like to choose interesting and long books so they can listen and look and think most of the day in the nursery environment. Finally when I discuss kinaesthetic learning style I find that this is more about children who cannot keep still at all, key workers have to keep them still during activities. These types of children are very active and enjoys playful all the time and never listens to anything else. They love activities where no one bothers them, such as playing physical for example running slow but not so fast. These learning styles are based on the early year’s foundation curriculum stage one of which is knowledge of the world, other one which is numeracy, literacy and so on. Visual learning activities can be: Listening to a story book but the child concentrating on other staff members cleaning after children’s playtime. One child distract from listening to nursery rhymes, as the key worker was communication with a parent outside. Auditory learning activities: A child can be distracted by another child shouting while playing a guessing game of thinking what instrument sound it could be. Child cannot think of what to play with because of so much shouting Kinaesthetic activities: Cannot keep still during an outdoor play activity, such as practising how to stand straight in a line. As a key worker we ensure children can concentrate when they join an activity, we help children by reminding children to play, we ask children questions on what children are playing. If there is a crowd around children we ensure we settle children down and stop children from crowding around children who are sitting down and playing. We also ensure we give children confidence to speak up when they cannot concentrate. We also give children time to think when we ask children questions. This is why we tell all children to listen. We support children’s listening and thinking by providing children with activities such as games so that they learn how to think and we read story books so they learn how to listen. We ask children to have silent time to think and listen to nursery rhymes quietly. If children never listen we keep a naughty chair for them to sit on. We help children who are very playful. We make sure we give these types of children different types of activities, we also help them by telling them please behave. We give behaving activities and songs to help children behave. If children behave we give them a well done star when they listen. Analyse the effect that detrimental issues can have on learning: Reference 2: study guide The meaning of detrimental issue is if a child is having difficulties in every day learning such as numeracy the child might need professional support a personal key worker to teach numbers. 1-10. Detrimental issues can be things like a child having mental health problem: The child will need a special caring key worker who is always with this child, the child will need to be observed to help the child with his development, the child will also need activities based on sam’s age, Sam will need to carry out same activities until he has mastered these activities to help sam reach to school and his higher studies. If we do not help sam, sam will loose his confidence and will become like no one cares. Sam might need professional help because he can be clever but sufferining from illness such as he might not be hearing well and this can make him weak. The key worker’s ensure all children are aware of Sam’s illness and give children knowledge on his illness so that Sam himself feels confident and so does children who play with Sam. Sam can sometimes loose his confidence, Sam can lose his self esteem, Sam can come across tiredness, and Sam can lose his high quality work to poor quality work as Sam looses confidence. Sam might also worry about what children can think of him this can also make him weak in his learning. To help sam we talk louder, use sign language and write words and sentence down to help sam understand. Sam can also have disability, sam still would need a key worker to support him, if it is extreme then sam will need his parent to stay with him and his key worker to ensure sam is in safe hands. Until sam is not confident he can not be left alone. Diabetics: if sam was to have this issue then his parent will have to tell every information to the person in charge and his key worker will need to be fully trained in how to care for sams health. If sam is on any medication the key worker needs to know asap such as if he has aathma, then the key worker will need to know when sam needs to take his medication. We as a nursery help Sam to be very confident when Sam start’s primary school. We give him as much support we can to build his confidence; we also help Sam know he will have this support during his school life. As a nursery we are very professional as we can be when it comes to a child being ill in their health. We ensure we train all our key worker’s and support all other staff member to help the key workers. These issues can lead a child to lose of confidence, less of self esteem, tiredness and poverty if they are not properly cared for. Evaluate the positive effect that differentiation has in the nursery setting: Differentiation – Difference’s of children Differentiation comes under different categories: Reference 3 Place learning intention Behaviour and vocabulary modelling Adaption of equipment Peer teaching Differentiated equipment depending on needs Outcome When I read all my information my finding of this question is that a child liking one thing and another child liking another thing, or one child doing one thing and another child do the other thing. I have also been to a few nurseries to learn so that I can carry out my research on this question. I learnt that a girl called Esha enjoyed talking so much and a boy called Siyan hated talking he loved to be quiet. I asked Esha so many question’s and she answered to every the question however Siyan was still sitting their quietly. I found out that Siyan needed more support in communication so I organised more activities based on communication, I noted down to pass on to my manager that he improved on talking to me more as the days went by. It is important that we help children reach their goals because talking gives children confidence and socialise with other children and play with other children. We organised alphabet activities and number activities and also brought interesting books from the libraries, to help children be around me and talk to me as a new member of staff. We have talking out loud activities such as saying out words loud for children to speak more. Children that speak so much we provide them with silent times to help them speak less and help them to control their talking. I also so that children were left handed and some were using normal right handed so I supported these children by giving them the correct scissors and helped children to cut and give children the confidence and more paper. As children got good with cutting I provided children with difficult cutting such as dot to dot picture cuttings. This is most important as children can lose their confidence and their emotions can change. If the correct resources is not provided then children will not be able to improve and will be left with no playful activities. Children develop from their age and what they are able to do. If they feel they can go up a level they go up a level if they cannot they do not go up a level. It is important to put children straight up as some children might feel lonely as they are left handed and they see other children as normal. I find that Children can also be working at different goals in their work books; this can be based on how fast children are at their learning and also shows who needs support and who does not need support. Some children may pick things up straight away in a group activity of vocabulary and assessing of behaviour, some children may be left behind in speaking out loud when they have to answer to questions some might shout the answers out some might be polite and wait. When working in a nursery i also found that children needed one to one support during I.T as some children pressed any key on the computer. We give one to one tutoring on computer for left handed children I also went to the activity cupboard to pick out easy play activities for children who need development as they are still weak and pick out difficult activities for the clever children. The result I found was that some children needed improvement some needed to be pushed up to the higher level. I had written a report of all children and passed on to the Management to help the children with their development. Discuss the positive effect that planning can have on learning and the ways in which formative and summative contribute to this: Planning can be brilliant for a child’s learning and would help a child learn better and help children with their development. Positive Children will gain good marks Children will concentrate more If we add more pre-school images children will learn more from looking at pictures Helps children to reach their goals Helps children to make improvements Helps children understand their weaknesses Helps children with encouragement to learn more To keep the child’s learning up to date Reference 4 To give children confidence we use: Formative assessment Summative assessment Now I will discuss the two assessments: As a nursery we use formative assessment: This helps the nursery to see how children are improving on their development in childcare. A child can be playing with Lego and other toys that are laid out. We use coloured paper to observe children. We write down how children play, we write down everything children play with, we write down what children talk about as they play, we write observations according to the curriculum. We also take pictures on what the child has played with for the day and everything they have done. We write down as much as we can to help children improve on the development in a nursery. We even organise a video to take of every child so that we can see how to develop children to a higher level. Observing could be gathering in your mind what you see from a child as their key worker then discussing this at the meeting how to improve the child’s development. Summative assessment – we gather all the above information from formative assessment and write up reports to discuss with parents. The above information will help the nursery stand out from others. It will keep the nursery organised, well presented, will bring clever children, will give smart and clean children and help the nursery be more lively. To do all the above we plan, we do this by organising every day morning meetings. Staff are fully trained to carry out these jobs. As a nursery we ensure our planning is well organised to help children reach their goal at the correct time and correct level for children. References: Reference 1 : I used the meaning and also wrote in my own words. Reference 2: study pack – page 72 and 73 Reference 3: I used the hand book page 76 – 78 for meaning of what they are then wrote into my own words. Reference 4: I used the hand book page79-80 to find the meaning and wrote into my own words.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Heart of Darkness, Hollow Men, and Apocalypse Now Essay examples -- Mo
Similarities between Heart of Darkness, Hollow Men, and Apocalypse Now     In today's literary world there are many different texts that have interlocking literary meaning through their references to one another and to other works. I am going to compare and draw similarities between T.S. Eliot’s The Hollow Men, Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness, and Francis Ford Coppola's Apocalypse Now. These three sources have many different references to one another in different ways. In T.S. Eliot's The Hollow Men, he begins the poem with the title and underneath the title he uses the famous line "Mistah Kurtz- he dead" from Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness. This famous line is said by one of the servants about Mr. Kurtz who dies and all of the natives were shocked by his death. Eliot uses this line at the beginning of the poem because he is drawing a comparison between the hollow men and Kurtz. He does this because Kurtz's idea of the civilization that he wanted to create didnÕt turn out the way he wanted it to in the end. Kurtz's ideas lead to his downfall in the movie Apocalypse Now. He is also considered as being hollow himself because of his ideas and inability to face reality. This is similar to the hollow men because they don't know what they will turn out to be. They have an idea of what they want to be but they know that will never happen. The hollow men really have no choice what they will be; they just let it happen. These hollow men are waiting t o go to "death's dream kingdom", but they donÕt know if they will ever get there. Eliot talks about these hollow men and these men can be compared to the people who are following Kurtz. They are all hollow people because they are following this radical figure and do not have i... ...Hollow Men. They show many similarities and there is reasoning behind the scene in the movie Apocalypse Now; where Kurtz is reading Eliot's poem. It all is tied together and has specific meaning. It shows that different literary sources can be used to help out other literary texts. Conrad's Heart of Darkness lays down the foundation of the character of Mr. Kurtz and then Eliot and Coppola portray this character through their pieces of art. Their literary meanings tie all of these works together to make them all unique in their own way. Works Cited Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness. Norton. New York. 1963. Eliot, T.S. The Hollow Men. 1925. Jain, Manju. A Critical Reading of the Selected Poems of T.S. Eliot. Oxford University Press. New York. 1991 Southam, B.C. A StudentÕs Guide to the Selected Poems of T.S. Eliot. Faber and Faber. Boston. 1968.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Cda Binders
Competency Goal 1: To establish and maintain a safe, healthy, learning environment Functional Area 1: Safe One of my goals is to promote safety and reduce all injuries in a preschool setting all day and every day. This is an important goal for the age group of children in my care because children aren’t aware of all the various types of things there are that might harm them. So childproofing something I do to promote safety for the children in my center.Another big safety precaution I follow is the never turn my back on children policy because if I am aware of what the children are doing more than likely no one will get hurt. Another safety precaution I take is to remind children to use walking feet, nice hands, listening ears, and indoor voices. These safety precautions will eliminate problems because if the children in a center listen and follow those simple rules things in the center will run smoothly. Separating different age groups will also help prevent safety issues wit hin a center.To secure the safety of the classroom it is locked from the inside . I am OSHA certified CPR and have Pediatric First Aid training to allow me to make good decisions in emergency situations. Our center practices safety drills regularly to familiarize the children with the routine. Functional Area 2: Healthy One of main goals in the functional area healthy is to prevent spread of germs in my child care center. This is an important goal for this age group children in my care because germs may cause serious illness. Hand washing is a practiced in our center.After playing in centers or eating, children and staff has to wash their hands. Staff follows a routine to clean and sanitize all the toys and surfaces in the center. Children in the center are fed nutritious snacks in order to keep them healthy and to keep the child from having too many sugars or fats in their diet. Another health precaution that is be used in my center is using non-latex gloves to change diapers. Empl oyees and babies could be allergic to latex and the gloves protect germs from employee’s hands from getting on child and keep germs from the child from getting on an employee.Gloves are a big health precaution in our center. In our center we have a nurse on staff to help if child isn’t feeling well. This will help other children from getting whatever the other student has. I do know how to complete an accident injury report if there is an incident because I received communicable disease recognition training. I also am aware of reporting that may be necessary to child protective services, because I have child abuse prevention training. Functional Area 3: Learning EnvironmentOne of my goals in the learning environment is to provide the kids with opportunities to play and learn something all at the same time. This is important to me because I remember dreading coming to school when I was younger because I got bored. We can all agree that lectures are boring so I want the kids in my center to have fun while learning. At the star table we have cassettes with fun stories for kids to read and follow along with to begin recognition of words.Play dough at the heart table from time to time to get their fine motor skills developed. At circle time we sing songs to learn patterns. Painting will help the teacher see what child is thinking. Also, coloring can help you see what child is thinking and how they feel. The art centers are to let the mind come alive it also is a great learning experience for children in our center it helps the creativity of a child and helps them learn on their own how to make objects over time. The learning environment is a very important part of a center.I offer plenty of space for large muscle and group activities, as well as, provide semi-secluded spaces for children to have down time. The shelving is low and serves as barriers to prevent toddling babies from interacting with crawling babies. I try to make the room as inviting as possible by using visuals, texture, and music, to create a soothing atmosphere for learning. My daily routine offers reading, movement, observation, sensory stimulation, creativity, and play to help young ones develop.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Why Do People Fail to Mature
The teenagers of our generation, with all the latest Innovations and novelties today, are being fed with lots of information and lore. To our dismay, taking in too much information will end up being strapped on a chair, paralyzed, and unable to move. Managing to contain all these backup ideas Is difficult. Our mind Just keeps on storing files. But what about our Are you sure you can handle it? A great paradox In a teenager's life, too much knowledge makes one unable to function.The problem with teens these days, they get ahead of themselves, making them curious about legion things. Exploring the unknown is fun and exciting for it enriches our minds with new Ideas and thoughts. However, using liberty to do Is quite over the line. The question is, are the teenagers of this generation ready? Unequivocally, no, they are not ready. Well, at least, not now, not yet. Whilst on the other hand, I assays again, if your emotional growth is stunted, do you think that you have developed enough to say that you have really matured? If you ask me. I do not think so!If your emotions control your actions and decisions and If you make these fast and careless, you might want to have second thoughts. This factor, your emotions, hinders your maturity growth. Our feelings are our weakness. Ergo, we must take Into considerations compromising in making our decisions. It Is for us to make our cognitive and emotional maturity to grow forth. We must develop this gradually. We gain too much knowledge than we could take in. However, we are not capable of handling this much for we are not yet ready. Our intellect may have been pacing up UT our psychological aspect isn't catching up that fast.You are a teenager, undergoing puberty, who is in the middle of being an adult and being a child. If you rush ahead in knowing things, you must not know, and hastening the chances of being an adult immediately will get you stacked in an adolescent body with a child's mind. It is comparable to the metamor phosis of butterflies. If you crack open the cocoon, rushing it to become a butterfly, yes, you came out as a butterfly, but onto fully developed one. Because of the vast world around us, we tend to get befuddled and curious by arioso things.We rush in knowing too much than we could carry which holds back our emotional maturity. If you want to be mature, act like it. You must be responsible enough to make better decisions. Do not do doltish and idiotic stuff. Start acting your age. Do not get ahead of yourself. Use your brain. It's not above there for nothing. You are not yet ready. You may gain knowledge, but your emotional health is suffering. That's why we fail to mature. Other factors may have been excelling, but you cannot be a butterfly it you haven't gone into a cocoon.
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