Ged writing essay
Western Civ Research Paper Topics
Thursday, September 3, 2020
War 1812 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
War 1812 - Assignment Example The objective of abolitionist Republicans was to reestablish the Union and cancel subjection. They needed the war to proceed until the achievement of these objectives. Initially, Lincoln didn't perceive liberation as the war’s objective, yet he was troubled by the getaway of a few slaves in the South (â€Å"The Civil War†). With the destiny of the Union being in question, Lincoln was essentially dedicated to spare the Union. His prime concern was to spare the Union with or without liberating the slaves. Occasions prompted the acquiescence of Lincoln to the abolitionist republicans’ pressure. This made subjection the prime factor in Civil War and caused the annulment to develop as a system to safeguard the Union and shut down the resistance. Along these lines, the president drafted emancipation’s general declaration which was at long last given on 22 September 1862 and marked and endorsed by Lincoln on 1 January 1863. Abolitionists were worried after the wa r that since the liberation declaration was gotten from the wartime forces of Lincoln, its capacity may wind down. End of bondage in the US was an occasion of worldwide noteworthiness
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Legalization of Euthanasia
Individuals reserve the option to clinical consideration, yet agony and languishing over an individual must be probably the hardest thing in life to manage. In the human services world, scarcely any subjects make a discussion as warmed as willful extermination. Willful extermination originates from the Greek word meaning great passing. Willful extermination is the act of closure the life of an individual either by deadly infusion or the suspension of clinical treatment. In this article, I will talk about the advantages and negatives in sanctioning euthanasia.Although legitimizing willful extermination would help mitigate enduring in at death's door patients, the demonstration of purposefully murdering an individual debases human life causing a doubt in doctors and may even turn into a methods for social insurance cost control, enabling law abusers. Right off the bat, i'll talk about the advantage in sanctioning willful extermination, for it is a decent method of at last alleviating o utrageous agony when a people personal satisfaction is low. The greatest contention for killing is that the individual included is in incredible pain.Legalizing willful extermination would help lighten enduring of in critical condition patients. It would be barbaric and uncalled for to cause them to persevere through the terrible agony. In the event of people experiencing serious sicknesses or in conditions where powerful treatment wouldn’t influence their personal satisfaction; they ought to be given the freedom to pick initiated passing. Additionally, the thought process of willful extermination is to â€Å"aid-in-dying†effortlessly and consequently ought to be thought of and acknowledged by law. Albeit slaughtering trying to shield oneself is far not the same as leniency executing, law thinks that its value approving.In an endeavor to give clinical and passionate consideration to the patient, a specialist does and ought to recommend prescriptions that will calm his enduring regardless of whether the meds cause net symptoms. This implies managing desolation and misery ought to be the need regardless of whether it influences the future. Killing follows a similar hypothesis of managing torment in a manner to assist one with dieing calmly out of the bargaining circumstance. Willful extermination ought to be a characteristic augmentation of patients’ rights permitting him to choose the estimation of life and passing for him.Maintaining life emotionally supportive networks against patients’ wish is viewed as unscrupulous by law just as clinical way of thinking. On the off chance that the patient has the privilege to cease treatment for what reason would he not reserve the option to abbreviate his lifetime to get away from the painful anguish? Isn’t the torment of hanging tight for death alarming and awful? Faye Girsh, at the Final Exit Network says, â€Å"At the Hemlock Society we get calls day by day from frantic individuals who are searching for somebody like Jack Kevorkian to take their lives which have lost all quality†¦Americans ought to appreciate a privilege ensured in the European Declaration of Human Rights †the privilege not to be compelled to endure. It ought to be considered as a very remarkable wrongdoing to make somebody live who with defense doesn't wish to proceed for what it's worth to take existence without assent. †That point being made, the demonstration of deliberately ending the life of an individual additionally depreciates human life which may cause a doubt in doctors and at last makes this type of agony lightening an ill-conceived notion. Willful extermination is a dismissal of the significance and estimation of human life.People who bolster killing regularly state that it is as of now viewed as permissable to take human life under certain conditions, for example, self protection †however they overlook the main issue that when one slaughters for self preserv ation they are sparing blameless life †either their own or somebody else's. With killing nobody's life is being spared, rather life is just taken. History has shown us the risks of killing and that is the reason there are just two nations on the planet today where it is lawful. That is the reason practically all social orders, even non-strict ones, for a great many years have made killing a crime.There are additionally two points to examine here: the meaning of â€Å"terminal†and the progressions that have just occurred to stretch out willful extermination to the individuals who aren't â€Å"terminally sick. †There are numerous definitions for the word â€Å"terminal. †For instance, when he addressed the National Press Club in 1992, Jack Kevorkian said that a terminal ailment was â€Å"any infection that reduces life in any event, for a day. †The fellow benefactor of the Hemlock Society regularly alludes to â€Å"terminal mature age. †Som e laws characterize â€Å"terminal†condition as one from which passing will happen in a â€Å"relatively brief timeframe. Others express that â€Å"terminal†implies that passing is normal inside a half year or less. Indeed, even where a particular future is alluded to, clinical specialists recognize that it is basically difficult to anticipate the future of a specific patient.Some individuals analyzed as in critical condition don't kick the bucket for quite a long time, if by any stretch of the imagination, from the analyzed condition. Progressively, be that as it may, killing activists have dropped references to terminal ailment, supplanting them with so much expressions as â€Å"hopelessly ill,†â€Å"desperately ill,†â€Å"incurably ill,†â€Å"hopeless condition,†and â€Å"meaningless life. Indeed, even specialists can't solidly foresee about the time of death and whether there is a chance of reduction with cutting edge treatment. Bernard Baumrin, PhD, MD, Professor of Philosophy at the City University of New York, wrote in his part, â€Å"Physician, Stay Thy Hand! †that showed up in the 1998 book Physician Assisted Suicide: Expanding the Debate, â€Å"Doctors must not take part in helping self destruction. They are inheritors of an important convention that motivates open trust. None ought to be even incompletely answerable for the disintegration of that trust.Nothing that is remotely valuable to some specific patient in extremis merits the harm that will be made by the observation that doctors now and then guide and even abet individuals in ending their own lives. †So, executing killing would mean numerous unlawful passings that could have all around endure later. Alongside enabling law abusers and expanding doubt of patients towards specialists, legitimizing willful extermination may likewise prompt utilizing as a methods for social insurance cost containment.Perhaps one of the most signifi cant improvements as of late is the expanding accentuation put on human services suppliers to contain costs. In such an atmosphere, willful extermination unquestionably could turn into a methods for cost control. In the United States, a large number of individuals have no clinical protection; considers have indicated that poor people and minorities by and large are not offered access to accessible torment control, and oversaw care offices are offering doctors money rewards on the off chance that they don't give care to patients.With more prominent and more noteworthy accentuation being put on oversaw care, numerous specialists are at budgetary hazard when they give treatment to their patients. Legitimized willful extermination raises the potential for a significantly hazardous circumstance where specialists could wind up far superior off monetarily if a genuinely sick or impaired individual â€Å"chooses†to kick the bucket instead of get long haul care. Investment funds to t he legislature may likewise turn into a thought. This could occur if governments cut back on paying for treatment and mind and supplant them with the â€Å"treatment†of death.For model, following the section of Measure 16, Oregon's law allowing helped self destruction, Jean Thorne, the state's Medicaid Director, reported that doctor helped self destruction would be paid for as â€Å"comfort care†under the Oregon Health Plan which gives clinical inclusion to around 345,000 poor Oregonians. Inside eighteen months of Measure 16's section, the State of Oregon reported designs to reduce human services inclusion for poor state inhabitants. In Canada, emergency clinic stays are being abbreviated while, simultaneously, reserves have not been made accessible for home consideration for the debilitated and elderly.Registered attendants are being supplanted with more affordable handy medical caretakers. Patients are compelled to persevere through significant delays for some sort s of required medical procedure. About all torment can be wiped out and, in those uncommon situations where it can't be killed, it can in any case be diminished essentially if appropriate treatment is given. It is a national and worldwide outrage that such huge numbers of individuals don't gain satisfactory agony power and albeit deliberate killing may help aleviate the torment that may originate from seeing a friend or family member or being the one in torment, murdering isn't the response to that scandal.This type of helped self destruction won't just lessen the respect and estimation of human life, yet purpose a doubt in specialists, make an ascent in law abusers and motivation to permit people to go so as to eliminate social insurance costs. The arrangement is to order better training of human services experts on these urgent issues, to grow access to medicinal services, and to advise patients about their privileges as consumers.Everyone, regardless of whether it be an individua l with a dangerous ailment or a constant condition, has the option to relief from discomfort. With current advances in torment control, no patient ought to ever be in agonizing agony. In any case, most specialists have never had a course in torment the executives so they're ignorant of what to do. In the event that a patient who is under a specialist's consideration is in agonizing agony, there's very a need to locate an alternate specialist. Be that as it may, that specialist ought to be one who will control the torment, not one who will execute the patient. Sanctioning of Euthanasia Factious ESSAY †EUTHANASIA By Troy Jacques Euthanasia is known as the act of purposely finishing a real existence which discharges a person from a hopeless ailment or unfortunate torment. This leniency murdering is frequently alluded as a simple and effortless demise. This should be possible from the solicitation of a withering patient or that person’s lawful delegate. At the point when this is done it is known as Voluntary Euthanasia. Not planning something for forestall someone’s demise is known as uninvolved or ne
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Introduction to Game Theory free essay sample
Nobel Prize Citation, 1994: Game hypothesis is a scientific strategy for breaking down key communication. Issue What is key cooperation? (Singapore Management University) Introduction to Game Theory Fall 2012 2/18 An Example of a Game | Flat Tire Two SMU understudies, Al and Bob, very con mark about their midterm test execution in ECON 206, chose to go to a gathering the end of the week prior to the nal test. The gathering was acceptable to the point that they slept in the entire Sunday. Rather than taking the nal ill-equipped on Monday, they argued the educator to surrender them a make test. Their reason was an at tire without an extra and any assistance. The educator, shockingly, concurred. On Tuesday morning, the educator put them in isolated rooms and gave them the test. The test had only one inquiry: Which tire? (Singapore Management University) Introduction to Game Theory Fall 2012 3/18 The GPA Rat Race All of you are presently taken a crack at ECON 206 that will be reviewed on a bend. We will compose a custom exposition test on Prologue to Game Theory or then again any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Regardless of how well you do in outright terms, just 33. 3% of the understudies will get As, and just 33. 3% of the understudies will get Bs. Along these lines, you should buckle down, in total terms, however comparative with how hard your schoolmates work. Every one of you are sufficiently keen to perceive this, and after the rst address all of you hold an emit meeting where every one of you make a deal to avoid buckling down. What will occur at long last? (Singapore Management University) Introduction to Game Theory Fall 2012 4/18 Why Are Professors So Mean? Numerous teachers have unbending guidelines not to give cosmetics tests and NEVER to acknowledge late schoolwork assignments. Understudies may think the educators are so cruel to act along these lines. In all actuality. Most educators are in reality charitable (for instance. ) They are happy to offer their understudies each sensible reprieve and acknowledge each sensible reason But most educators additionally realize this is a tricky incline (for instance, ) | on the off chance that they set truly exible standards, what may occur? (Singapore Management University) Introduction to Game Theory Fall 2012 5/18 Another Example | Strategic Interactions versus Singular Decision Problems Underlying story: two understudies (Alice and Bob) are taking a course together. There are three e ort levels for every understudy: buckle down (utility = 5), work now and again (utility = 2), avoid (utility = 0). Consider the accompanying two evaluation plans. Evaluation Scheme An: An understudies nal grade possibly relies upon her own e ort level | if an understudy buckles down, she will get an A without a doubt (utility = 10); in the event that she works at times, she will get a passing evaluation (utility = 5); while if the understudy avoids, she will bomb the course without a doubt (utility = 0). Singular Decision Problem E ort Level Utility Disutility Net Work Hard 10 5 Work Sometimes 5 2 Shirk 0 (Singapore Management University)
Analysing People Oriented Methodology And Its Ethics Philosophy Essay
Breaking down People Oriented Methodology And Its Ethics Philosophy Essay Individuals arranged approach is essentially centered around getting the moral situation of each person. It underlines more on morals which is a participative methodology of human or individuals who may be the partners or clients. It additionally features that clients are profoundly associated with the improvement procedure and assume responsibility for the stages, it implies that the clients are likewise engaged with the dynamic procedure and completely dedicated to the IS advancement. Individuals situated technique can be applied to a framework which truly includes different sorts of individuals. It is typically a troublesome assignment of making the clients engaging in to the advancement stages, yet at the same time the inclusion of clients from the top level administration to the staff level is required so as to keep away from certain musings of the client like, feeling that the activity ought to be all the more requesting and less secure. Then again client inclusion may likewise be utilized to extemporize the human-PC interface. Utilizing this kind of a methodology likewise incorporates perceivability, effortlessness, consistency and adaptability. It is additionally one to the appropriate procedure in the existence cycle where its point is to include clients in the improvement framework; its attention is on morals, socio specialized view and human execution; in the achievability stage it recognizes current issue, opportunity, framework limits, existing framework, key targets and errand. In the investigation stage conclusion of proficiency, work fulfillment need and examination, determining and weighting effectiveness is finished. Individuals arranged technique centers around hierarchical structure of new framework, specialized alternatives and readiness of a point by point work plan. In the execution stage, the actualizing procedure is arranged in detail it additionally checks for whatever it is required to make a smooth changeover lastly in the support stage the framework is checked so as to ensure the goal is accomplished, If not the amendment move is made indeed Morals As it is told as of now individuals arranged system mostly centers around morals. Morals is a part of theory which looks to address inquiries regarding ethical quality that is ideas, for example, great and awful, off-base and right, equity and ideals. On the hand it can likewise be characterized as an ethical way of thinking including arranging, shielding, and suggesting ideas of good and bad conduct which is required for an association. As per Enid Mumford (see Mumford, 1995), morals is a procedure dependent on the participative way to deal with data frameworks improvement. Morals is not quite the same as the greater part of the framework improvement procedures. In morals the procedure of progress is seen with the point of view of hierarchical issue and not as a specialized issue. Moral Theories Moral hypotheses assume a significant job in streamlining normal good capacities and to build up or safeguard essential good standards. Why Ethical Theories? The requirement for this is the development of new practices in the business and the fundamental standards may not be sufficient for the emerging issues and may not cover the new zones that are as yet revealed. Thusly it is essential for a balanced and steady hypothesis to assess the ethical quality of activities. There are two potential methodologies so as to conquer these issues, right off the bat there are some broad standards and approaches however they may not be sufficient for an issues. There may be some circumstance where the by and large acknowledged practice or rules might be tested. In such cases if there is a few different ways to choose and continue on which, rule to tail it would be appreciative. The moral hypotheses help an individual or an association in picking the correct principle. Besides the leader might have the option to expound and choose his ethical choices to other people. It is anything but a superior idea to draw in moral thinking alone with the moral hypothesis ought to likewise have the option to decipher it with the ethical argumentation. This may help the leader to participate in an influential and clever manner. What's more, search of a totally fulfilling moral hypothesis will never wind up. There is no hypothesis structured that fulfill all the individuals and logicians, yet at the same time there are two speculations that is by all accounts great while thinking about different hypotheses. They are the teleological and deontological hypotheses, other than this there are speculations like utilitarian and Kantian methodology which can help in doing choices in a superior way. Morals can be allotted into three classifications Meta-morals, standardizing morals, Applied Ethics. Philosophical Ethics Philosophical morals conveys an alternate way to deal with morals by looking for profound quality through sound, mainstream standpoint that organizes human bliss and prosperity. The favorable position with this kind of a methodology is that it doesn't expose to strict, social or lawful points of view. Present day philosophical morals can be part in to two classifications they are Teleological and Deontological hypotheses. a. Teleological Theories This hypothesis has an extraordinary imprint since down to business, normal detected, and information way to deal with morals. The case here in this hypothesis is that ethical character of activities relying upon how it can help or mischief in a straightforward and reasonable manner. It additionally recommends that the activities that produce more advantages are correct and that they dont aren't right. Jeremy Bentham intended to build up an ethical science that is more teleological than different approaches to isolate good and bad, and he in his Introduction to standards and good enactment tells that Under the administration of two sovereign bosses, torment and joy. It is for only them to bring up what we should do, just as to figure out what we will do. From one perspective the standard of good and bad, on the other the chain of circumstances and end results, are attached to their seat. Planning to make morals pragmatic, Bentham even proposed a framework for estimating the measure of delight and torment that an activity produces. Called the libertine math, Benthams framework recognizes seven parts of an activities outcome that can be utilized to look at the aftereffects of various deeds: the inborn quality of the pleasurable or difficult sentiments created (power), to what extent they last (term), how likely it is that these sensations will be delivered by a given activity (assurance or vulnerability), how soon they will be felt (propinquity or remoteness), regardless of whether these emotions will prompt future delights (fruitfulness) or torments (virtue), and the quantity of individuals influenced (degree). Theft guide to be utilized for gauging satisfaction and misery in scrum. Kinds of joy Initiative Initiative can be characterized as procedure of social impact in which one individual can enroll the guide and backing of others in the achievement of a typical task[1]. It can likewise be said at the end of the day as Leadership is at last about making a path for individuals to add to causing something uncommon to happen [2]. A decent pioneer supports him-self with a ceaseless procedure of instruction, self-concentrate, etc. Administration is where an individual causes his group to achieve a specific assignment and coordinates the association in an intelligently associated and firm ways, for this couple of characteristics like convictions, character, morals, qualities, information and aptitudes is required. Before getting in to idea of authority in programming improvement lets have a diagram on the administration speculations and the ideas of initiative Authority THEORIES Authority appeared to take a view from the general public just from the twentieth century. Speculations in the early period focused distinctly on the characteristics recognized the Leader and the adherent. There are loads of speculations developing and a large portion of them can be named one among the eight significant sorts. I. Extraordinary Man Theories This hypothesis expect that pioneers are not brought into the world however made and an incredible pioneer will emerge when there is need. Beforehand the exploration was on the individuals who were at that point chiefs and on those days heads for the most part were from privileged and just a couple were from the lower level, and this demonstrated administration has something to do with family or rearing. This extraordinary man hypothesis says that pioneers are men with courage, mythic and ought to be equipped for conceding these qualities at whatever point it is required. ii. Characteristic Theories This hypothesis accept that individuals are brought into the world with acquired attributes where, a portion of those qualities are especially appropriate for to be a compelling pioneer. Early research was on mental focal point of the day yet investigating natural attributes of individuals. An examination was frequently made on incredible pioneers and check whether others have those characteristics of those effective leasers. McCall and Lombardo (1983) did an exploration on both achievement and disappointment; they recognized four essential qualities by which a pioneer can succeed [2]. Enthusiastic steadiness and self-restraint Conceding mistake Great relational aptitudes Scholarly breath Be that as it may, there emerges an inquiry who have those characteristics however are not pioneers? on the off chance that we think about characteristics as key highlights for authority. This inquiry is one which makes a trouble to clarify administration utilizing attribute hypothesis. iii. Social Theory The point of view of this hypothesis is that Leaders can be made or instead of are conceived and furthermore accept that initiative so as to be effective it ought to be founded on determinable and learnable conduct. This hypothesis doesn't concentrate on the inbuilt qualities or abilities and attempts to heighten from what the pioneers really do. As per this hypothesis individuals can become pioneers by educating and learning iv. Participative Leadership This hypothesis accept that individuals are progressively dedicated towards activity and include themselves in to the game when they are placed in to a type of significant dynamic and it likewise tells that when individuals settle on choices together the social responsibility each other assumes a fundamental job and therefore there comes an unadulterated inclusion in work. A few people settling on choices together achieves a decent outcome is what the
Friday, August 21, 2020
Term Paper Guidelines Economics 335 Essays - Economy, Economics
Research project Guidelines : Economics 335 Reason The motivation behind the research project is to offer you a chance to apply the monetary ideas, standards, devices, and models that we have and will inspect in this course to decipher ebb and flow full scale financial occasions. You may choose the specific subject of the paper, so this paper gives you a chance to contemplate something that you are keen on and associate your inclinations to what you have and will learn in this course. Picking a Topic The subject of the research project must be identified with global financial matters . Attainable selections of subjects could include: - Current occasions: news stories on Titanium have featured present and ongoing occasions applicable to the course that you could clarify utilizing the models and devices from the course. For instance, the article Krugman, Trade Theory, and Apples Chip Problems with TSMCs Earthquake Damage from section 6 investigates how Apple's iPhone depends on PC chips made in Taiwan. There is a noteworthy modern bunch of semiconductor and PC chip creation in Taiwan . You could investigate the historical backdrop of Taiwan's sem iconductor creation, how the modern bunch was shaped, and the potential impediments of overall creation of a specific item being amassed in only a couple of spots. - An investigation of the top imports and fares of a nation : you could utilize the MIT Trade A tlas to locate the main 5 imports and fares for a nation. At that point, utilizing the Heckscher - Ohlin exchange hypothesis, New Trade Theory, and the ideas of similar favorable position, you could examine if the top imports and fares from the nation are reliable with the possibility of those speculations. I expect that you will utilize the financial rationale and models that we've created in the course to manage your examination , so please pick a theme that is perfect with the apparatuses that we have created and will create in this course. If you don't mind email me or converse with me on the off chance that you have any inquiries regarding whether your subject is suitable for the course. Proposed Format Your paper could be sorted out in the accompanying manner : Presentation: Here, you present the subject of your paper, and sum up quickly the finishes of your paper. Outline of late occasions or news stories on your theme: Here, you ought to inspect late occasions identified with your subject in a manner that wo uld intrigue the normal peruser, who is somebody who is taking the course with you . Monetary investigation utilizing the apparatuses or standards created in this course: I expect that the financial examination will make up in any event half of your paper. End: Summarize the central matters of your paper and leave a fascinating inquiry or result for your peruser to contemplate for what's to come. Unfinished copy : Presenting an unfinished copy is discretionary . To guarantee that you get remarks on your work in progress with sufficient opportunity to play out certain amendments, it would be ideal if you submit it at the very latest Friday, April 28 th . Last Draft : The last draft is expected on the Friday of finals week 11:59 PM. If it's not too much trouble submit it through the Titanium dropbox . Late Assignment Policy for the Term Paper For consistently that the last draft is late, I will deduct 25% off of the last grade up to a limit of 75%. Specialized Format Length: 3-5 pages writtendiagrams and charts, which might be vital for your investigation, don't check towards the page tally. References and a cover sheet don't check towards the page tally either. Text style: Times New Roman, 12 point Separating: Double-dispersed Page Margins: 1 left and right, 1 top and base References might be in any organization style inasmuch as you are predictable about the way that you group the references. If it's not too much trouble recall that the motivation behind references is to give enough data to discover the wellspring of a reality , so you ought to incorporate enough data to permit somebody to effectively follow back any data that you use to its source. Basic reference groups incorporate MLA and APA styles.
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Americas Favorite K-12 Library 2017 Brookland Middle School
Americas Favorite K-12 Library 2017 Brookland Middle School (0) You submitted your favorites, we read your comments, and now it’s time to announce our winner of America’s Favorite Library Contest! Congratulations to Brookland Middle School, located in Henrico, Virginia! This past April, during National Library Week, we ran a contest calling for students and staff to share the name of their favorite library. We received hundreds of responses, but there was one clear winner: Brookland Middle School in Henrico, Virginia. Congratulations to Brookland Middle School and their two librarians for winning this award. We reached out to Brookland Middle School’s library with some questions about their programming, collection, and future goals, and librarian, Chad Kroll, shared his responses. Continue reading to see why Brookland Middle School has an exemplary library. 1. Can you share a brief, general summary of your library and librarian? We actually have two librarians. One is usually considered the senior librarian, and the second is usually the junior. This is usually just because one has been in the school longer than the other. When I first came to Brookland MS, we had to struggle to come back from a reputation of not wanting students in the library. That was almost 13 years ago. We now have teachers coming in regularly, and even approaching us for personal research for college. Our students come in, not just for class or for class related things, but even if they need certain things like: a moment break (IEP related) from their teacher or classmates, if they need someone to talk to (I often mentor students), if they want to discuss ideas for High School or even College, and on some occasions we even have our ELL students come in to simply enjoy being out of the typical classroom and play a board game. This last one happens about once every two weeks, depending on their classroom performance. We actually do everything we possibly can to make the library an inviting place where students and teachers feel comfortable, not just coming in and using the facility, but with asking questions, talking with us and us ing what we know AND finding out what we can do for them. 2. Which library resources in your library are you most proud of? We just received a Grant from the Henrico Education Foundation for $11,000 for new iPad Pros, iPod Touches, a 3D printer, 3D glasses, a Lego WeDo 2.0 Set, and a class set of SPRK + Spheros. This will all become part of a mobile Maker Space/Technology lab that teachers will be able to sign out. However, they will not just get the lab and we just say “Here you go!†No, that isn’t how we do things here. It will come with either a librarian or the Technology Trainer to help assist with a lesson that the teacher wishes to teach to the students. Also, during the year, every department will receive professional development related to the new technology. Every lesson will be placed into a repository for teachers to share with each other for the following years. 3. What are some notable events at your library? Every month we have our ELL students come in and we introduce them to holidays that are particular to the United States. We include crafts and videos and research along with Question and Answer time. All of the students enjoy the time and seem to walk away with a new appreciation of different holidays that they might not have even known about. We also do an annual lesson with our Spanish classes on Dia de Los Muertos that includes research on the holiday and several crafts that are very specific to celebrating the two day holiday. Both Spanish teachers love to do the lessons with us and we plan on incorporating the 3D printers with the lessons this year. 4. Many of your students wrote about the wonderful books that you have in your collection. Any favorites? Do I have favorites!?!? How can I narrow the list down to just what I could email? Sure, I could rely on the old reliable Harry Potter, Hunger Games, or Artemis Fowl series. But, while I do like them and have thoroughly enjoyed them over the years, I have a tendency to gravitate toward the more esoteric titles like Department 19, H.I.V.E. or anything by Timothy Zahn. 5. What are you most excited about or looking to incorporate in your library this school year? Since we were just awarded the HEF Grant of $11K, I am looking forward to incorporating all the new technology into the lessons and seeing what our students can create and develop. I hope to see some of them start to develop new skills and possibly become real app programmers. 6. What is your ultimate goal for your school library? My goal is as it always has been, and always will be. I want the library to be the hub of the school. A place where everyone can feel comfortable coming to for answers and as a refuge from all the insanity of a normal school day. It should be a place where everyone should be able to go and always have the chance to see a bright future, no matter what your past entails. Congratulations to Brookland Middle School and their two librarians for creating and maintaining a school library that promotes and fosters learning for all students and staff! Click here to learn more about ALA’s National Library Week and to learn about upcoming plans for 2018.
Sunday, June 21, 2020
Lily Bart and the Nature of Nature - Literature Essay Samples
Nature, whether in the form of the arctic tundra of the North Pole or the busy street-life of Manhattan, was viewed by Naturalist writers as a phenomena which necessarily challenged individual survival; a phenomena, moreover, which operated on Darwins maxim of the survival of the fittest. This contrasted sharply with the Romantic view, which worshipped Nature for its beauty, beneficence and self-liberating powers. In Edith Whartons The House of Mirth, Lily Bart attempts to survive within the urbane drawing-room society she inhabits. Although Selden uses Romantic nature imagery to describe Lily, throughout the novel such Romantic imagery and its accompanying meanings are continually subverted. By simply invoking different understandings and views of Nature, Wharton demonstrates that not only is Lilys ability to adapt to various environments isnt necessarily salutary, but also that flower imagery, used in an ironic fashion, captures perfectly Lilys need for climates of luxury. It is Wh artons image of a hot-house, however, which ultimately captures the ambiguous nature of what, to Wharton, truly is Nature. Lily, although a city-dweller, is described by Selden as one who is intimately connected with a benevolent, life-giving Nature. He exclaims, The attitude revealed the long slope of her slender sides, which gave a kind of wild-wood grace to her outline- as though she were a captured dryad subdued to the conventions of the drawing-room (13). Seldens notion of Lilys sylvan freedom and her interconnectedness to all things natural is echoed later in the novel, when Lily is either described as, or compared to, a rose, (167) an orchid (150), a water plant (53) and a fine flower (216). Even her name, Lily, like the kind of flower, relates to nature and things natural. Thus a cursory reading of such material would suggest that Lily, despite her urban status, manages to retain a spiritual connection with Mother Nature, a connection, unfortunately, which is restrained and subdued by the conventions of the drawing-room. It could be argued, therefore, that Wharton views the industrial city as preventing Lily from understanding and experiencing her true self- namely that self present in a state of nature We shall quickly see, however, that Wharton doesnt always share Seldens Romantic view of Nature. Throughout The House of Mirth we witness Lilys ability to adapt herself (53) to whatever environment she enters. Wharton writes, Selden noted the fine shades of manner by which she harmonized herself with her surroundings (192) and describes, Her faculty for renewing herself in new scenes, and casting off problems of conduct as easily as the surroundings in which they had arisen (196). Such ability is seen most clearly when Lily is forced, unwillingly, to enter the Gormer milieu (234). Although she doesnt enjoy this milieu it is through her immense social facility, her long habit of adapting herself to others without suffering her own outline to be blurred, the skilled manipulation of all the polished implements of her craft that she wins an important place in the Gormer group (237). This adaptability, which ostensibly parallels Darwins notion that biological species, in order to survive, must adapt to changing environments, does not, in reality, contribute to Lilys survival. Nor does it allow her to retain any sort of spiritual connection with Nature. Rather its effect is quite the opposite. Wharton writes, (Lilys) faculty for adapting herselfŠserved her now and then in small contingencies, but ultimately hampered her in the decisive moments of life. She was like a water-plant in the flux of the tides (53). Whartons simile here, She was like a water-plant in the flux of the tides, changes the way in which the reader must understand and view Nature. Whereas Selden, when describing Lily, used Nature to represent a kind of benevolent, self-freeing phenomena, Wharton uses Nature in this instance to represent a heartless, unthinking Dar winian process where only the strong survive. Although Lily is still described in terms of natural imagery (a water-plant), her connection to Nature is no longer liberating or life-renewing, but rather serves to, as Wharton tells us, hamper her in the decisive moments of life (53). Thus in this instance Natures character is altered, which in turn changes how we can interpret the naturalistic imagery used to describe Lily. Her adaptability as a water-plant, rather than being spiritually rewarding, instead proves ultimately unhealthy.Although Lily has, as we have seen, adaptive powers, Wharton makes it clear that such powers, in addition to not always being healthy or beneficial, are actually quite limited in scope. Although Lily can survive for a while outside of her high-society drawing-rooms, she is inexorably drawn back to them, like a swimmer coming up for water. Wharton tells us, (Lilys) whole being dilated in an atmosphere of luxury, it was the background she required, the only climate she could breathe in (26). We see again how the meaning of Nature has been completely transformed. Unlike Seldens view of Nature, which held that actual, physical surroundings held the key to Lilys well-being and self-liberation, in this case Nature has nothing to do with pastoral, idyllic settings, but instead refers to drawing-rooms. But similar to Seldens view of Nature, we see that, Nature, (in this case, life in the drawing-rooms) is absolutely necessary for Lilys continued existence. It is that which gives her life and allows her to breathe. As Selden tells Lily, Your lungs are thinking about air, if you are not. And so it is with your rich people-they may not be thinking of money, but theyre breathing it in all the while 69). Not only, however, does Wharton (again) completely transform the meaning of Nature, she also ironically draws upon Romantic nature imagery to complete this transformation. Wharton avers, (Lily) could not figure herself anywhere but in a drawing- room, diffusing elegance as a flower sheds perfume (100). The phrase as a flower sheds perfume captures accurately the irony which Wharton sees in using Romantic nature imagery (i.e. flowers) within the context of her own version of Nature, that of the drawing rooms. To say that a flower sheds perfume connotes the image of a flower giving off an odor, an odor which is then bottled and made into a perfume, a perfume which is then used by high-society ladies to smell nice. Thus Wharton, in choosing to describe Lily as a flower reinforces the notion that Lilys Nature, her natural habitat was that of the drawing-room. But as she is a flower that sheds perfume Wharton captures the double-meaning extant in such a symbol, showing that not only was Lilys natural habitat the drawing-room, but also pointing out the irony of Lilys Nature. Wharton demonstrates that Lilys supposed Nature is a world in which flowers dont shed scents or natural odors but rather smell like bottled, artificial perfu me, ironic, of course, because perfume is not commonly thought of as natural. Whartons final, and most effective, re-imaging of Nature comes when Lily contrasts the dreary limbo of dinginess with that little illuminated circle in which life reached its finest efflorescence, as the mud and sleet of a winter night enclose a hot-house filled with tropical flowers. All this was the natural order of things, and the orchid basking in its artificially created atmosphere could round the delicate curves of its petals undisturbed by the ice on the panes (150). This passage is the absolute symbolic crux of Whartons Nature imagery, capturing fully the way in which Wharton views the relationship between Lily and Nature. In this instance Nature is not singly portrayed as a benevolent, life-giving force, nor a heartless, amoral reality, or as being embodied in high-societys drawing-rooms. Rather Nature is an artificially created atmosphere, an insulated natural world with a natural state of things protected from the harsh Nature of external reality; a world, if you will, within a world, a nature within a greater nature. This symbology corresponds nicely to Whartons dual fashioning of Nature. Her two views of Nature, that it is an unthinking, unfeeling harsh physical reality, or, conversely, that it exists in the drawing-rooms of New York city as well as in the physical, rural environment, is embodied perfectly in Whartons image of a hot-house. The Nature, and natural forces, that exist within the hot-house can be viewed as being akin to the Whartons Nature, and natural forces, that exist in a drawing-room. Conversely, the external Nature which rages on outside of the hot-house, can be viewed as being akin to Whartons (other) Nature, and natural forces, of an unthinking, unfeeling harsh physical reality. If we accept, as we should, that the orchid represents, symbolically, Lily, we can understand fully Lilys relation to Nature, viewed in either sense. To represent Lily as an orchid basking in its artificially created atmosphere hearkens back to Seldens Romantic view of Lily as a physically natural being which needed to be in Nature to truly understand and free her self. Seldens view, however, employed the idea of Nature as being external, un-artificial and benevolent. Whartons hot-house although benevolent, is artificial and does not exist in rural nature, although it does function within rural nature. In any event, Wharton states that the orchards (Lilys) development was the natural order of things. Such a statement, in turn, reveals the dual ways of thinking about what is actually natural. Is an orchid growing within a hot-house, within a larger nature, truly natural? That, of course, depends on how you choose to view Nature, a view left ambiguous by the decidedly ambiguous nature of a hot-house. Whartons The House of Mirth is a novel in the Naturalist tradition, but a novel which manages to express the endless complexities of Nature at work both in r ural countrysides as well as urban jungles.
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